Common Dental Emergencies And Their Solutions

Although a dental issue may be associated with pain, it may not be considered a true emergency. Nevertheless, some oral health conditions still require immediate treatment. Here are a few instances in which emergency dental care may be needed:

Your tooth has been knocked from your mouth.

A dislodged tooth can result from many different types of trauma, such as a blow to the mouth or an automotive accident. Once your tooth has been dislodged, you will likely need to see your dentist as soon as possible. A delay in treatment could make it impossible for the tooth to reattach within the mouth. 

By reinserting your tooth quickly, your dentist may be able to prevent the death of the soft living tissues that help ensure that the tooth remains healthy. The blood supply and dental nerves of a tooth reside in its soft living center, which is called the pulp. As the amount of time that the tooth is outside of your mouth increases, the likelihood of irreparable damage to the pulp also increases. 

If your tooth is knocked from your mouth, you should notify your dentist immediately. Since a bit of time will transpire between the incident and your dental appointment, the tooth should be rinsed to remove loose debris and then quickly placed back in your mouth. If you are unable to place the tooth back in its socket, the pocket of your inner cheek should suffice. In cases where the tissues of the mouth are too damaged to allow the placement of the tooth, the dislodged tooth can be placed in a cup of milk to help preserve any living tissue. Care should be exercised to avoid exposing the tooth to detergents and abrasive substances, since these agents could damage any living tooth material.

You have a severe dental infection.

If you develop a serious tooth infection, its prompt treatment can help you avoid a systemic condition or extraction. A dental infection can spread to your bloodstream, transporting oral bacteria to other places within your body. In addition, it can worsen to the point that the infected tooth becomes unsalvageable. 

To treat the dental infection, your dentist will likely prescribe antibiotics. However, he or she may also want to examine the tooth to determine whether or not an emergency root canal is needed. The root canal removes the infected material from the tooth, along with the dental nerves that cause the discomfort associated with an infection.

To learn more about identifying dental emergencies, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your area, such as one from Rose City Dental Care.  
