Oral Hygiene: 4 Tips For Kids Who Have Braces

Braces can help children avoid a number of dental issues like bite misalignment and crooked teeth. However, those metal brackets can be hard to clean properly, and as a result, children are at a higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease. To ensure that your child maintains a bright, beautiful smile even while undergoing orthodontic care, here are four oral hygiene tips.

Tip #1: Modify Your Child's Flossing Habits

Flossing is an important step of your child's oral health routine, but braces do make it a bit more difficult to perform. Luckily, there are tools that make the task easier. For instance, a floss threader can be used to help weave the floss between the teeth and even around the metal wires and brackets. Another tool that can be used is a water flosser, which can remove food particles with a gentle spray of water that is directed toward the child's teeth and gums.

Tip #2: Brush After Every Meal

While the general rule of thumb is to brush twice a day, when your child gets his or her braces, he or she should begin to brush after each meal because of the food and debris that can get lodged behind the metal brackets and wires. To ensure no damage occurs to the orthodontic equipment, make sure your child knows to use small circular motions on each and every tooth. To help your child reach those tight spaces, consider using an interdental brush.

Tip #3: Consume More Water

Water is the best beverage that your child can drink — with or without braces. However, there are many benefits that water provides to kids with braces. For one, it ensures that the mouth remains hydrated and boosts the production of saliva, which helps to rinse away debris and bacteria in the mouth that can cause cavities. In addition, water is always the better alternative to sugar-laden beverages, like fruit juice and soda, that tend to stick to your tooth enamel and increase the overall risk of tooth decay.

Tip #4: Avoid "Bad" Foods

When your child gets braces, there are certain foods that will be off-limits — some of which may have been your child's favorite or go-to foods. Your child should avoid any foods that are hard, sticky, or extremely sticky, like beef jerky, bagels, and taffy, as these can easily get stuck behind the braces, damage the wires, or even cause the metal brackets to pop off the teeth. Your child should stick to soft foods that can easily be chewed.

For more information on what your child should and should not do while undergoing orthodontic care, contact a children's orthodontist.
