Tips For Using A New Dental Crown

Have you recently had a new dental crown installed to fix one of your teeth? If so, you'll need to follow the orders from your dentist about caring for the dental crown. Dental crowns are not impervious to damage and won't last forever. However, following some helpful tips can give the crown a long lifespan before it needs to be repaired.

Slowly Adjust To Chewing With The Crown

As tempting as it may be to start chewing with your new crown, it may be wise to hold off for those initial days following the procedure of having it placed on a tooth. There is a chance that the dental cement used to bond the crown to your tooth has not completely set, and it may come loose as a result.

Try chewing with the opposite side without the crown at first, and slowly start chewing more with the crown as you get used to it. Both sides of your jaw need to be used for chewing to ensure the health of your jaw, so don't assume that not using the crown forever is a good idea.

Avoid Chewing Hard And Sticky Foods

While a dental crown is meant to be quite durable, it can still become damaged by putting too much pressure on it. That's why it is worth avoiding foods that are very hard, since it can damage the crown in the process of eating. This includes avoiding the bad habit of chewing on ice from your drink.

In addition, sticky foods are going to be off limits if you want your new crown to survive. Getting something really sticky between your crown and a natural tooth can cause the food to pull on your crown and remove it from the tooth. Avoid sticky candies like taffy and Jolly Ranchers, as tempting as they may be to appease your sugar craving.

Use Sensitive Teeth Toothpaste

You can expect sensitivity in the tooth with the new crown right after it is installed. It's worth using toothpaste for sensitive teeth to help make the tooth feel better. This can help with drinking those cold and hot beverages that are now causing sharp pains. Thankfully, the sensitivity could go away after a couple of days and the tooth will feel normal.

These are just a few tips for dealing with a new dental crown. Ask your dentist for more tips when it comes to adjusting to a new crown.
