4 Ways To Straighten Your Teeth Without Metal Braces

If your teeth are not straight, you don't have to get metal braces to straighten your teeth. There are multiple options for straightening your teeth before you have to resort to braces.

#1: Retainer

If you only need to correct the position of your teeth a small amount, you may be able to get by with only using a retainer. Retainers are traditionally used to keep your teeth in place after braces; however, they can also be used to reposition your teeth without braces.

A retainer is transparent and fits over the arch of your mouth. It is not that noticeable, and it is considerably less expensive than getting braces. This method only works when you need a minor correction to the position of your teeth.

#2: Headgear

Another way to correct the position of your teeth is with headgear. Headgear can be used to either hold your teeth in a specific position or it can be used to help adjust the alignment of your teeth.

Headgear can be worn during the day for a set number of hours, and over time, it will help to move your teeth. In addition, it is a highly visible way to adjust the position of your teeth, which is why most people wear headgear in the evenings and at night when they are at home.

#3: Dental Veneers

With dental veneers, you are not going to move the position of your teeth. Instead, you will bond veneers to your teeth, which can be used to correct the outward visual look of your teeth. It is not going to move your teeth's position, but it will mask the position of your teeth. Veneers can be used to make your teeth appear straight. They can also be used to fix a small issue with your teeth, such as a slightly open bite. They will basically fill in your teeth, fixing issues with your teeth.

#4: Invisalign

Another way to fix your teeth is with Invisalign. Invisalign uses a series of plastic retainers to reposition your teeth. Each set of retainers is custom-made for each individual patient. Each set of retainers are worn for a few weeks and slowly moves the position of your teeth. Then a new set of retainers is swapped in to help further change the position of your teeth. Over time, the position of your teeth will be corrected. This process can take a few months or a few years, depending on how dramatically your teeth need to be moved.

If your teeth are not perfectly straight, you can use methods to reposition your teeth outside of braces. You can use a retainer, headgear, dental veneers, or Invisalign to fix the issue with your teeth. Reach out to a dentist to discuss teeth straightening options. 
