4 Things That Are Necessary To The Dental Implant Process

Tooth loss can occur as a result of oral trauma, periodontal disease, or age. Without adequate teeth, people can experience malnutrition, pain, and unwanted tooth movement. Fortunately, dentists can replace lost teeth using dental implants. The dental implant procedure uses permanent prosthetics to restore oral function. Here are four things that are integral to the dental implant process:

1. X-Ray Imaging

Dental implants are placed directly in a patient's jawbone. The placement must be precise and correct in order to ensure a good outcome and swift healing, which means that oral surgeons do extensive preliminary work before your dental implant surgery begins. When you first see an oral surgeon about getting implants, they will use a special machine to take x-rays of your mouth. These x-rays will produce 3D images of your teeth and jaw, which will allow your surgeon to carefully examine your anatomy so they can make the appropriate plans and recommendations.

2. Bone Grafts

In order to get dental implants, you will need to have enough bone in your jaw. If your jawbone is in poor health or is otherwise insufficient, bone grafts can help you become a candidate for dental implants. Bone grafts supplement your existing bone mass with bone from a different part of your body. If using natural bone is not an option, you may be able to use an artificial bone graft instead. The bone graft procedure will add a few extra months of healing time to your dental implant journey, so make sure to adjust your timeframe expectations accordingly.

3. Antibiotics

Antibiotics are used in medical and dental practices in order to treat and prevent infections. After your dental implant procedure, you may be prescribed a course of antibiotics. These drugs will kill off bacteria in your body, reducing the chances of developing an infection following your dental implant procedure. It's important to take all the antibiotics prescribed to you without missing a dose in order to help your body heal after your oral surgery.

4. Anesthesia

Dental implant surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure, which means that you'll be able to return home after your surgery is completed. However, you will be given anesthesia before the surgery starts to ensure that you do not feel any pain. You can choose to have local anesthesia if you'd like to be awake throughout the dental implant surgery. General anesthesia is an option for people who would rather sleep through the procedure.
