Four Advantages Of Using Dental Implants To Replace Missing Teeth

Dental implants are oral prostheses that can be used to replace the roots and chewing surfaces of missing teeth. Patients receiving treatment for tooth loss can take advantage of many different options, but dental implants offer some benefits that other treatments do not. Here are four advantages of using dental implants to replace missing teeth.

1. Dental implants can last a lifetime.

Dental work can be costly as well as invasive. Most people would prefer to spend as little time in the dentist's chair as possible. Fortunately, dental implants can accommodate this desire. Dental implants can last for a patient's entire lifetime. They are made from highly durable, biocompatible titanium, which is inserted into a patient's jaw bone. A prosthetic is then attached to the dental implant to provide a good chewing surface. The dental crowns used as dental prostheses can be easily replaced at any time, if necessary.

2. Dental implants can promote good bone health.

Healthy bones are important to support healthy teeth. However, tooth loss can lead to jaw bone erosion. The pressure created through biting and chewing is a necessary component for preventing bone loss. Dental implants can replace organic structures that are lost when a tooth is removed. Choosing to have a dental implant installed soon after you lose your tooth can help you retain as much of your natural jaw bone mass as possible.

3. A single dental implant can be used to replace multiple teeth.

The dental implant procedure can be performed as an outpatient treatment. However, most dentists prefer to minimize the number of procedures that patients must undergo. Fortunately, a single dental implant can be used to replace multiple teeth. Dentists can make dental bridges that can be attached to a single implant. Patients who are missing all of their teeth can have them restored through the use of dental bridges and four strategically placed implants.

4. Dental implants do not interfere with surrounding teeth. 

Dental implants can also help you preserve the health and structure of your surrounding teeth. Some devices, such as traditional dental bridges, require healthy teeth to be crowned. However, the process of placing dental crowns requires teeth to be ground down and shaped accordingly. Choosing dental implants instead of bridges will ensure that your healthy teeth are not reduced unnecessarily. This makes dental implants a great option for people who are concerned with preserving as many of their natural teeth as possible. 
