Preparing For Teeth Whitening? 4 Key Things To Expect When You Visit Your Family Dentist

Do you look into the mirror and wish you had whiter teeth for a perfect smile? Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, you don't have to go through the frustrations of repeated fails with home teeth whitening remedies. In-office bleaching provides effective and instant results and eliminates all stains on the tooth. If you have been considering teeth whitening, you might want to learn about the procedure to help you deal with anxiety and prepare adequately. Here is what to expect when you visit the dental office for the procedure.

1. Initial Consultation

After setting an appointment with your family dentist, you'll meet with a well-trained professional who offers teeth bleaching procedures. It is worth noting that bleaching eliminates stains and yellow discoloration. The specialist will examine the condition of your teeth to determine whether you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. Conditions such as cavities, gum diseases, cracks, and worn-out enamel might need treatment before whitening. The dentist might recommend alternative solutions like veneers or crowns or commence with treatments first before asking you to return for whitening.

2. Scaling and Cleaning 

Your family dentist might recommend cleaning your teeth professionally to eliminate plaque build-up that might impede the process of whitening teeth. Clean teeth free of tartar, expose the stains and ensure you get the most out of the session.

3. Preparation

Unlike over-the-counter products, specialists use reliable and safe agents. However, it is still important to protect your gums against chemicals. Therefore, the dentist will place a rubber dental dam to cover your gum and protect it from the bleaching agent. The professional will also wrap a towel around your neck to prevent staining your clothes. You will also wear eyeglasses to protect your eyes.

4. Application of the Bleaching Agent

Once everything is set, your family dentist will carefully apply the whitening gel to your enamel. The use of laser beams hastens the whitening process to achieve results quickly. Some dentists choose to forego laser beams and trust the bleaching agent of their choice.

After giving the whitening agent and the laser beam time to break down the stains and eliminate them, the specialist will carefully remove the products. Expect to see instant change with your teeth assuming a much brighter color. All stains should be removed at the end of the process. Unlike home remedies, in-office bleaching achieves immediate and lasting results.

Consider dental services if you feel that your teeth have become too sensitive after the procedure. As shown above, professional bleaching can save you time and money. If you have stained or yellow teeth, consider setting an appointment with your family dentist immediately.
