3 Great Things To Know About Invisalign Treatment

If you have been pondering over whether to get braces, it is worth your time to also consider the alternative. Invisalign treatment is a popular choice for individuals today. However, some candidates do not understand the major differences or the technology behind Invisalign. It is a good idea to have a few facts to ensure that you make a wise decision before you start your orthodontic treatments. The following points highlight a few things worth knowing about this innovative alternative to braces.

Customized Treatment Plan

Every individual has their own unique tooth pattern. This is why each treatment plan will differ. Some individuals may have shorter treatment times. The customization process involves getting a mold of the teeth. One method involves getting a physical mold and using computerization to create a model and Invisalign trays. The other method involves using a 3-D digital model using digital scanning. The dentist or orthodontist will use the original mold in subsequent appointments to monitor the progression of the treatment. They can alter the treatment future trays accordingly. Careful monitoring ensures that the teeth are moving into position according to the treatment plan.

Braces vs. Invisalign

There are several differences between these two teeth straightening options. Invisalign involves the use of clear trays, which makes it undetectable. On the other hand, braces have wires that make it obvious an individual is undergoing orthodontic treatment. The wire brackets of braces may also be uncomfortable and can cut the inside of an individual's mouth. The plastic trays used with Invisalign treatments are smooth. Individuals might feel minor discomfort when they get new trays, but this is a temporary discomfort, and not all experience it.

Many individuals who opt for clear aligners also experience shorter treatment times than those who choose traditional braces. Clear aligners may also mean fewer appointments because there are not any wires or tighten or risks of brackets breaking and needing emergency repair.

Easier Dental Hygiene

Individuals who choose Invisalign treatment will be able to care for their teeth the same way they did before their treatments begin. They can brush and floss easily by removing their aligners. Some individuals with braces find it difficult to clean between their brackets. This complicates treatments if decay develops beneath brackets. 

An orthodontist is a good resource to use to learn more about Invisalign treatment. They can help you compare this option to traditional braces. You can also depend on them to give you estimated treatment times for each option. 
